Hello, my name is
Mel Martin
Sales Trainer and Coach
- mel@salesintel.co.za
- 083 998 5472

About me
My name is Melanie Martin, and I am in the business of unlocking your selling potential. I have over 20 years of sales experience under my belt with a whole lot of awards for smashing my sales targets! What an exciting 20 plus years it has being. Now I would like to share my hard-earned experience with you so that you don’t have to pay the school fees that I had to. You might ask what industries did I sell in? Does it matter?!? No, as I have learnt that if you have the sales skill set, you can sell anything. Now not anything to anybody…. Like ice to an Eskimo. That kind of selling sucks and will make you a loser in the long run… trust me as I have tried it, hated it, and gave it up a long time ago!
My areas of expertise include:
- Sales Training and Coaching
- Sales Strategy Development
- Client Relationship Management
- Market Analysis and Research
- Lead Generation and Conversion Optimization
- Revenue Growth Strategies
What are your challenges?
SME business owner: No formal sales training, no sales representatives, no sales strategy, and limited time to engage in sales. But remember: No Sales no business!
Sales Representatives: Newbies with no formal sales training, or experienced sales representatives with no support and burn out.
Sales Manager: No formal management training, new sales team, experienced sales team with low motivation… the list goes on.
What is the SIC Solution?
Individualised 1 to 1 sales training and coaching focusing on improving your personal sales abilities. The sales training material will be adapted to the industry you are selling in.
What results can you expect from engaging in this sales training and coaching?
- Improved personal motivation.
- Increased win rates
- Better long-lasting relationships with customers
Appointment making
Sales strategy development and planning
Identifying actual prospects needs
Identifying decision makers
Handling objections
My sales tip for this week carries on the theme of setting goals and putting the necessary systems/habits in place that will lead to your goal results. I have a question for you: How will time management help with your system? What is time management?
It is good to remember this: we cannot actually manage time because we can’t speed it up or slow it down, right? All we can do is to effectively control how we operate within time. Have you heard of the Pareto principal? 80/20 principal. Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist credited for discovering it. He observed that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the population in Italy and every other country he studied. So the Pareto principal is that in many things 80% of the consequences comes from 20% of the causes. The exciting thing about this principal is that 80% of your sales success will come from 20% of your selling activities. The question is: Which selling activities?
In my SPRINT sales training program I focus on training the 20% activities so that at the end of the program, you will have the necessary sales skills and habits to easily and effectively get the most out of a 24 hour day – thus working smart not hard.
My sales tip for this week is to continue on the theme of setting goals as I am sure you all have set your personal, business and sales goals. Now that you have these goals, what is the next step?
You need to put systems/habits in place that lead to your goal results. For example, your goal is to increase sales. Your system would be to plan and do more phoning of prospects, right? Now for an interesting question: If you completely ignored your goals and focused only on your systems, would you succeed? Every Olympian wants to win the gold medal – they all have the same goal. What differentiates the winners and the losers? It is only when they implement a system of continues small improvements that they achieved a different outcome. So the sales tip for today is: once you have set your goals; ignore them and focus on implementing the systems that will lead to your goal results.
My sales tip for this week is about going back to basic… way before we make a sale. I will quote a Greek proverb: “Before you can score, you must have a goal”. This is true to life and doubly true to selling.
Why is it so challenging to set and keep to our goals? For one thing we live busy lives and often the pressure we experience dictates our priorities and pulls us away from our goals. How can we mitigate this? One way is to be very intentional about where we invest our time and energy. This is not easy as it requires clear priorities and a commitment to stick to them! This week have a go at setting little realistic goals and include a good plan to achieve them. Most importantly, remember that I am here to assist you to set realistic sales goals and the plans to achieve them.
In business ‘cash’ is King… right? You are dead in the water without cash in your business. So what is ‘King” in Sales? Maybe: pipeline, closing strategies… how about Attitude? Ask yourself: “Do I have a winning attitude? Or are you thinking: “I’m not good enough; the market is too difficult; my competition has a new sales rep and she is closing all my deals; … I am not good at closing”
The fact is if you don’t truly believe that there are sales out there to be made, then making 100 phone calls, having the perfect script and doing loads of cold calling won’t help you.
I encourage you to not dwell on what won’t work or what is not going right. Rather get into the habit of “selling yourself to yourself” everyday. How do you go about it? Take time out and think about your strengths, your past accomplishments and any trait that is positive about yourself. Then write out a commercial, one that will get you really motivated and enthused to do your best. Paste this in an area that you see every morning and keep a habit of reading it out loud (best in front of a mirror… mines pasted to the bathroom mirror). And when you are feeling down… well, grab it and say it to yourself! It is guaranteed to uplift your spirit and enhance your positive attitude… go for it!!
My sales tip for the week starts with a question: “Is there such a thing as a perfect product or service?” Name me one?!? … Yes you right every product or service has a weakness. Yet, trust is a critical ingredient in sales as most people won’t buy from a person they don’t trust. So how do you establish trust in a world of skeptics? One way to start is focusing on your credibility and admit your weaknesses. Prospects know your company and product will be weak in same areas. You can boost your credibility when you admit those weaknesses rather than sweep them under the table.
Go one step further: turn your perceived weakness into a desired benefit!